Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sabra Hummus WINNER!

Wow, so many great entries. I wish I could give each of you some delicious hummus!!! The winner is....

Number 34!

ZDub, my darling friend Zakary (who I had the pleasure of meeting in Chicago at BlogHer and who looks like Kyra Sedgwick but I bet is a lot nicer than Kyra, not that Kyra wouldn't be nice, but Zakary is SO nice) is the WINNER!!!

So my darling, email me your info and I'll pass it along and get you your prize!!!

As for the rest of you, go get some hummus and you will know that you are truly each winners.


1 comment:

  1. SHUT UP!

    Thank you! Kyra Sedgwick probably doesn't even like hummus!


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